Over the Hedge (2006)

Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Bruce Willis, Catherine O'Hara, Ariel Winter, Steve Carell
RJ, a raccoon who needs food, accidentally takes food from a hungry bear named Vincent and he wants his food to be found in exactly the same place in a week. He finally finds that an animal family, with a tortoise named Verne as their leader, could help him restore the food from the suburbia, the gateway to the good life. But little does RJ know, there is a woman who has recently hired an exterminator to try to hunt them down.
  • 2006-04-22 Released:
  • 2007-02-07 DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Tim Johnson Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
