The Companion (2006)

Konkona Sen Sharma
The story revolves around Kaushik (Prasenjit Chatterjee) and Kaberi (Konkona Sen Sharma), a happy couple until a car accident takes away Mita, Kaushiks mistress and leaves Kaushik heavily injured. Mita, a mother of a little boy and living with her husband, was Kaushiks colleague. The revelation leaves Kaberi shattered and she retorts. Kaushik successfully moves on with life leaving Mita behind and tries his best to repair the severely wounded relation with his wife. There is another couple in the film- Brinda (Pallavi Chatterjee) and Bobby (Parambrata Chatterjee), engaged in another extramarital relation. While Bobby is a bachelor, Brinda, quite older than Bobby, is unhappily married. They and Kaberi do group theatre together. Brinda-Bobby comes to a crossroad when Brinda becomes pregnant and Bobby is not sure whether the child is his or Brindas husbands. However he does not turn back and stands by Brinda in sorting out her issues.Kaberi often threatens divorce but ultimately is overpowered by the wife in her and cannot desist fulfilling her duties towards her husband at the time of crisis.On the other hand, Kaushik too is caught in his own predicament. The physical and mental trauma caused by the accident are portrayed with great skill and subtlety by Prosenjit. He has to not only come to terms with the loss of a loved one but is faced with the daunting task of winning back his wife's trust.
  • 2006-04-14 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Rituparno Ghosh Director:
  • N/A Website:

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