Shark Lake (2015)

Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dolph Lundgren, Ibrahim Renno, Lily Brooks O'Briant, Sara Malakul Lane
Fiercely protective single-mom Meredith Hendricks happens to also be the best cop in her quiet town on Lake Tahoe. When a black-market exotic species dealer named Clint, is paroled from prison, something he let loose begins to make its presence known. Swimmers and land-lovers alike begin to become part of the food chain at an unbelievable rate. Meredith and the new man in her life, a biologist named Peter, begin to investigate these brutal attacks and discover that they're not just hunting one eating machine, but a whole family of them. After a documentary crew is devoured when they don't take the threat seriously, it's up to Meredith, Peter, and the unlikely hero, Clint, to stop the most dangerous thing on the planet: A mother protecting its young. Not everyone will make it out alive, but those who do will never forget this summer at Shark Lake.—Screen Media
  • 2015-10-02 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Jerry Dugan Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
