Runaway Romance (2018)

Drama, Romance
Trevor Donovan, Tatum O'Neal, Galadriel Stineman, Danielle Chuchran
Ann moved to Los Angeles to work in catering but instead became a reality star in a show that depicts her relationship with the star Scott. However, the ratings are declining, and the production company and Scott want to fix it by having Scott date another girl and move Ann behind the scenes. Ann, who thought Scott would propose, becomes angry and upset and sneaks away to go home to Pennsylvania. On the way there, she crashes into a ditch and ends up stranded in an Amish town. She is taken in at a small B&B and soon meets Hunter, who works in the town. Meanwhile, the production company has realized that the audience wants Ann back and starts looking for her.
  • 2018-01-07 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Brian Herzlinger Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

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